Why companies do “Innovation Theater” instead of actual innovation
Blank, S. 2019. Why Companies Do “Innovation Theater” Instead of Actual Innovation. Harvard Business Review, October 07.
You need an innovation strategy
Pisano, G. P. 2015. You Need an Innovation Strategy. Harvard Business Review 93, no. 6 (June 2015): 44-54.
Using Open Innovation to identify the best ideas
King, A. and Lakhani, K.R. 2013. Using Open Innovation to identify the best ideas. MIT Sloan, Fall 2013, 41-48.
Find the right expert for any problem
Poetz, M.K., and Prügl, R. 2014. Find the Right Expert for Any Problem. Harvard Business Review, December 16.
Why some crowdsourcing efforts work and others don’t.
Dahlander, L. and Piezunka, H. 2017. Why some crowdsourcing efforts work and others don’t. Harvard Business Review, February 21.
A buyer's guide to the innovation bazaar
Nambisan, S., and Sawhney, M. 2007. A buyer's guide to the innovation bazaar. Harvard Business Review. June 2007, 109-118.
Reclaim your creative confidence
Kelley, T., & Kelley, D. (2012). Reclaim your creative confidence. Harvard business review, 90(12), 115-118.
The era of Open Innovation
Chesbrough, H. W. 2003: The era of Open Innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review 44(3), 35-41.
How to kill creativity
Amabile, T. M. (1998). How to kill creativity. Harvard Business Review on breakthrough thinking, 1-29.
Sometimes the Best Ideas Come from Outside Your Industry
Poetz, M. K., Franke, N., and Schreier, M. 2014. Sometimes the Best Ideas Come from Outside Your Industry. Harvard Business Review. November 21.